• kinmen 21

金门 Kinmen

金門高粱酒原釀21 58度 Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Original 21 58% 500ml

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RM 169.00
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RM 169.00
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金門高粱酒原釀21 58度 / Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Original 21 58% 500ml


特色: 「金选21号」糯性高粱品种所酿制出来的酒香醇浓郁,较传统半糯性高粱所产生的高粱口感及香气更显得令人惊艳,可谓江山代有才人出,各领风骚,原酿醇酒,魅力难挡。酒液晶莹剔透,香气纯正、酒体厚实、甘柔爽净、余韵悠绵。「金门高粱酒.原酿21」历经多年研发,测试各种酒度、原料配比,经二十余位品酒师傅反覆品评,并以独特完美的酒液特色呈现,可望再次挑战您的味蕾余韵!

The Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Original 21 is a special blend made with the newly developed pure glutinous sorghum Golden Choice No. 21. “Original” refers to Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor (KKL)’s insistence on the traditional solid grain fermentation without using additional flavoring of any kind. In addition to representing the codename of the glutinous sorghum, “21” also suggests “one half” in traditional Chinese culture, implying the “golden" mean.